LETA • Membership

Our Membership

LETA brings together organisations committed to advancing technology solutions that reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions from critical industries.

Originally established by the Australian coal industry, LETA’s membership now welcomes members from hard-to-abate industries, supporting services, research institutions, and technology leaders from Australia and around the world.

By becoming a member, you’ll join a network of industry leaders committed to creating a unified voice for the sector and driving a low-emission future for hard-to-abate industries.

LETA Associate Membership

At LETA, we believe collaboration is key to decarbonisation.

Our Associate Membership is open to companies and organisations dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially within the resource and hard-to-abate industries.

If you share our vision for a low-emission future and want to be part of driving innovation toward net zero, we would love to hear from you.


To become an Associate Member, your organisation must align with LETA’s mission and values. We welcome applications from both Australian and international organisations, including:

  1. Industrial Companies: Businesses engaged in manufacturing and production across sectors such as energy generation, steelmaking, cement production, fertiliser manufacturing, petrochemical processing, and resource extraction.

  2. Support Organisations: Groups that help the industry, such as transporters, policy makers, consultants, equipment suppliers, engineers, and industry associations.

  3. Finance: Organisations focused on funding and developing low-emission technologies.

  4. Research Groups: Organisations focused on innovation, including research centres, universities, and developers of new technologies.

Benefits of Associate Membership

  • Technical Expertise
    Access insights and advice on various aspects of low emission technologies and the related policy environment.

  • Advocacy
    Access and contribute to advocacy for supportive strategies, policies, and regulations to drive industry growth and meet climate goals.

  • Timely Updates
    Stay informed with alerts on policy changes, industry news, low emission technology advancements, and project updates. 

  • Project Support
    Collaborate on viable projects with technical guidance and funding opportunities (subject to Board approval).

  • Exclusive Events
    Join member-only forums, webinars, and executive briefings with expert insights tailored for industry leaders.

Download the LETA Associate Member Prospectus to Learn More:

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