LETA Media • Federal Budget Must Include Support for Crucial Low Emissions Technology

05 Feb 2025

Federal Budget Must Include Support for Crucial Low Emissions Technology

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Low Emission Technology Australia (LETA) has lodged its submission to the Treasury to assist in the preparation of the 2025-26 Federal Budget. LETA’s submission is focussed on areas of importance for the development and implementation of essential low emissions technology in Australia.

While there is an ongoing and important debate about the future of Australia’s resources exports, LETA’s role is to focus on developing technologies that can address our immediate and ongoing need to decarbonise in line with Australia’s emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.

With five key recommendations, LETA’s submission outlines the contribution that low emissions technology can make to reducing emissions and the role the Federal Government can play in supporting these technologies and their application.

At a high level, the five key recommendations of LETA’s submission are:

  1. Implement a national carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) strategy.
  2. Expand the Carbon Capture Technologies Program.
  3. Adopt a technology-neutral approach to support for hydrogen production.
  4. Support mines to decarbonise by partnering with industry on scope one emissions abatement projects.
  5. Include coal mining as an activity qualifying for equitable treatment as a trade-exposed industry under the safeguard mechanism.

“We welcome the opportunity to contribute to the 2025-26 Federal Budget,” said LETA Chief Executive Mark McCallum.

“Our recommendations are designed to facilitate a seamless transition towards a low emissions economy, recognise the ongoing competitive advantage of Australia’s resource and energy exports and ensure that Australia remains globally competitive while meeting its emissions reduction targets.

“Strategic investment and policy support in these areas will not only reduce emissions but also stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and secure Australia’s position in a global low emissions economy.

“LETA encourages government to support a technology-neutral approach to net zero investment to ensure that Australia is not left behind as nations across the world move towards the cleaner energy economies of the future.

“As other nations like the US and UK invest tens of billions in low emissions technology, our long-term trading partners like Japan and Korea are looking to Australia for similar signals that we can be relied upon as a leading energy exporter and ensure international competitiveness in a lower-carbon future.”

LETA remains committed to collaborating with government, industry, and our international trading partners to further drive the deployment of vital low emissions technologies.



  1. Low Emission Technology Australia 2025-2026 Pre-Budget Submission
  2. Low Emission Technology Australia 2025-2026 Pre-Budget Submission Overview

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